“I just need a sign!” Have you ever said that? Don’t lie to me. You said it yesterday. I believe that God gives us signs on occasion to help us along when we are stuck or really in need of something more. The thing that I have really been struggling with is what we do when we see/hear them. What normally happens, is we think we get a sign, and it is clear as day, but we still question it. It can be right in front of our face a lot of the time and we will still be asking for one! Why do we do this??? We are so worried about having some profound moment happen to us that we miss the subtle one that comes when we least expect it.
I believe that we expect so much and give so little. Why would God give us a sign if we are not willing to give Him five minutes a day? But He is still faithful, always. Signs can come at the toughest moments of our lives. I believe I am in Nashville because God wanted me here. I have told this story to some but it was so profound to me when it happened that I knew what I had to do. I was at a stand-still and I was 22 years old, living at home fresh out of flunking out of school. I was in a slight depression and had no idea where I was going or what I was doing. I attended Inside Out Soul Festival for the last time with my family and, unlike every other year, I only bought one cd. It was Steven Curtis Chapman’s Abbey Road Sessions cd/dvd. Ironically enough, the first cd I ever purchased was King of the Jungle by Chapman. Classic. I got back from Soul Fest and I still felt pretty down. I remember it very clearly…I was driving in my car and decided to watch the dvd part of the sessions in my car (yes, I have a dvd player in my car). So I was listening to Steven Curtis talk about how he was in a similar situation as myself and didn’t know where to turn. What he did was not give up, but he gave in to God’s Word and asked Him for direction. The next scene started out with a crowd cheering, followed by “Hello, Nashville!” It was clear to me. This was a sign. Tears happened and I began to start the process of enrolling in school down here.
Can I tell you that I was right on it after that and all my waking moments were spent trying to get ready to move? No. I can’t tell you that because that is what we do. We see or hear something, clear as day, and we still question it. I still questioned the validity of what I had just heard and felt. I truly believe that God shows us things in multiple ways and He does it in His time. We can ask for signs all day if we want but wouldn’t it be more beneficial to just get in the Word and find out what He is trying to say to us that way? I think we put too much on these “lightning” moments to come, when they are happening every day and we ignore them. We would all love to have a story where God audibly spoke to us and it was clear what our next step was. This is unrealistic. I want to be faithful to what I am supposed to be doing and I believe that doors will begin to open. Will I see them when they are there, or will I still have these blinders on?
Matthew 13:38-39
The some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it…