Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sick of Being Sick?

Why is it that we (men, boyz) get sick and feel like it is the end of our time here on earth? Maybe this is just perception, or maybe this is actually what happens to the majority of us (men, boyz). I am writing this and I am a sick person at this moment in time. I actually, believe it or not, stayed home from work Monday and Tuesday because of this epidemic that is happening in my body. What’s worse is that my wife is not home to take care of me. See, right there is the problem. I get the slightest little stuffy nose and I revert back to middle school and want someone to make Maypo (better than oatmeal) for me. Really all I have is a cold. It feels like lupus but it is obviously less serious than I am making it seem. I am not one who craves attention, and I actually think that I shy away from it…but when I am sick, I want everyone to know about how hard a time I am having just living my normal life.

I took my temperature and, when it said 98.6 degrees, I replied with “Liar!” I don’t know what it is and I really have nothing definitive to say on this matter. Boyz, when women say that men are like children when they get sick, just accept it and keep laying in your own filth on the couch and watching The Cosby Show. For some reason that show is on at all hours during the day. It is amazing though!

Men try to act tough 98% of the time, and then once a chink in their armor hits (headache) they are dying all of a sudden. There is something to that and I totally admit that this goes on. I rarely get sick, and when I do it is a minor disaster. The point is that this will never change. Sorry ladies. I have nothing profound on this matter at all...

Really I am just writing this so you can all know that I am sick at this moment.


Kara said...

this post probably made me laugh more than any other post ever. Mostly because its true. Also, because of the Cosby show reference (which is also true!) Hope you feel better. :)

dave said...

you're opinion

Rachel F said...

Hey! What's up? Member me? Rachel from Outback. Anyway, I linked here from facebook and read the latest two posts and think you are ridiculously awesome. I mean not that you weren't before, but you know. Good posts is all I'm saying :)

Matt Chewning said...

u better yet?
Oh yeah Rachel who commented last is out to ruin your marriage. BEWARE. hahaha. Your a stud.

hit me up

Melissa Marie said...

hahahaha. i linked to your blog through kara's. this one i will have to make my husband read. though, he will most likely deny it. still, it made me laugh.