Thursday, June 28, 2007

Do it Yourself

So, the rest of these entries will be coated with talk of marriage and things of that nature because I am only 11 weeks away from getting hitched! Wow! That is incredible to me how fast the summer has gone by and all of the months since we were engaged on Dec. 24th. Lauren is on vacation with her friend, Heidi, right now as a, sort of, last hoorah. This will be one of the last times I let her hang out with anyone so I hope she enjoys it.

I am used to being alone. I am a loner, I guess, but I enjoy being that way. I have been in Nashville since September '05 and I can't say that I am as close to anyone here as I was to my friends in Boston. Not even close. I like to think that I am able to be by myself all the time and be fine and have everything I need with God, my family, and Lauren. Eh, that's probably not the case. I have struggled to meet good friends. We all need that fellowship that comes along with just hanging out and being around other Godly people. Right now I don't really have that but i will continue to pray for it.
I am trying not to stress out about things involving money because we don't really control that. We can work hard at our job but ultimately it is God who decides who is going to use what He gives them to serve Him. That is where a lot of people are a little off. "If I just work my butt off at my job I will make a lot of money." Sure, that could work, but are you being faithful to God's will? He shows favor and rewards people for their hard work towards the Kingdom of Heaven. That's what I want to work towards. God is showing me that I don't need to have "things" to satisfy me in my life. I am in the market for a new vehicle and I started looking at some newer cars with a lot of cool options because that is what I am used to. I don't need that! I need to trust in God and he will provide what I need. I get so ridiculous about guitars and cars and things that I forget my true purpose of serving Him. He gave me a talent that I have used to glorify Him in spots but it has to be all or nothing.
"I wanna be evergreen. I wanna live all year 'round." -Switchfoot



dave said...

awesome stuff. it is a great place to be mentally and spiritually when you grasp that "things" can't do it for you. really good stuff.


Levi said...

i agree...good stuff. the idea is right in that we must trust God to provide...take Katie and I for example. 1 month ago...both employed at a coffee shop making'm working 12 hour days and i really don't care for it...but God is providing in other ways. It is not my job or my finances that define is who i am and what i do that defines who we are...i may or may not have stolen that line from "Batman Begins" but who's counting right?

Kara said...

you are a good blogger! You should have started one earlier. Oh, and I agree...good stuff!

Unknown said...

you're getting married?

Unknown said...

great stuff..btw..any job you're at can be looked at as God's will for your life right now.

He has you there for a reason and wherever you follow Him, will be because He leads you.
